This form should be used for all Flock Book information for REGISTERED FLOCKS. It should also be used to advise of flock sale or dispersal.
If you have more than one registered breed, please submit a separate return for each breed.
Returns are due between 1st and 10th May each year.
Your return will be included in the Flock Book provided you are a paid up member.
Your Details
Please check your address and contact details in the previous year’s Flock Book. Only complete this section if there are alterations to your previous year’s entry.
Please do include your name and flock number. If this is your first return, please provide all details.
Flock Details
If you require a flock prefix, please complete the form included with your New Members Pack and forward directly to the person listed. The form can also be downloaded here.
A flock history is a brief statement highlighting the origin of the flock, bloodlines added, dates, colours/colour patterns, wool types and breeding objectives.
If you have a current Ovine Brucellosis Accreditation certificate, please upload this with your return. This form will accept most file types. The OBA note will not be included in the Flock Book if this certificate is not included.